Saturday, April 23, 2011

Simplicity Photo Challenge: ROUTINE

Sometimes we just need to slow down and enjoy life at a snail's pace. There is so much that we miss when we rush through life and our routines. It is a nice change to get back to the basics and take time to bask in the love of the Creator Who gave us these marvelous things to discover!
Hebrews 4:13 - Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account.

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's About Others

I sat today reminiscing Thursday's game and a really cool thought dawned on me. We had to stop the game when one player fell and the coaches helped him up and dusted off his knees. He trucked it on to first base. Once on first, we had to stop the game AGAIN so the first baseman could go over the batter (on the other team), make sure he was ok, and dust his knees some more.

How many times do we worry about number one to ensure that we get the biggerbetterbest? How many other games will you see stopped so players on opposite teams can check on the welfare of their opponents? How long will we only think of ourselves and not realize the greatest gift in situations often arise when we put others first? This player got it right...

...It's really about others.
Matthew 20:16
"So the last shall be first, and the first last."

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's About Time

The cool evening breeze. The thump of a ball hitting a glove. The crack of the bat. Cheers rising from the stands for their favorite players. It is baseball season; time for America's favorite past time. This year, my husband and I get to coach a very special group of players with the Adult Challenged Baseball League.

Baseball is a sport that anyone who has an interest has the ability to participate. It is a time to build confidence. Time for friendships. Time to swap stories. Time for compassion. Time to dust the dirt off of each others knees. Time for learning. Time for leaning. Time to forget the rules and enjoy ourselves. Time for laughter. Even time for tears. Time for parents to take a break from caring for their forever children and bask in watching them run the bases... or all over the field as the case was tonight. Time for hand holding as we walk the bases in the correct order. Time for stomping home plate.

It's about time. (Special Olympics promo video)
Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created... (Beginning ... big inning. See, even God loves baseball!)

Simplicity photo challenge entry: TWO

Nomna nomna noma... I love my new favorite ball! They have no idea I have stolen TWO balls...

Psalm 37:4
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.


I was reminded today that I have a blog. In case you are wondering ... NOTHING is going on in our quiet lives.
Psalm 46:10
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”